Getting a PhD: Critical research reading
Welcome to the world of Research, where you must read so much in limited time, and where a thorough review of literature is what differentiates the freshers from the experienced. I appreciate the way Gordon Rugg and Marian Petre put it in their engaging book, The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research : Initially, a new student/fresher : understands his/her research area re ads to discover what is known in this area and gathers this information is concerned about organizing literature sources Then the slightly less-new student : understands his/her research topic is able to organise information better is concerned about identifying the research problem And as more time goes on, the student : understands his/her research question ga thers information that is relevant to his/he r research question is concerned about identifying what has been said about the research problem And then close to completion, Mr/Ms Researcher : understands his/he...