More PTDF past questions!

Yay! Thank you so much TC for sharing more MSc past questions (Environmental & Safety Engineering field)!! Very kind of you! So here they are.. the exam is tomorrow if I am not mistaken, so I'm afraid I don't have enough time to search for all the answers. They should be easy enough to find though (thank you Google :)
Other PTDF past questions here and here.


1. What is the value of 4 score minus 2 dozen?
(4 x 20) - (2 x 12) = 56

2. Who designed the Nigerian flag?
Michael Taiwo Akinkunmi

3. When will the next Halley commet appear?
2062. It orbits the sun every 75-76 years.

4. Japan's tsunami shifted the earth by how many centimetres?
"Reports from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Italy estimated the 8.9-magnitude quake shifted the planet on its axis by nearly 4 inches (10 centimeters)... [and] moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet (2.4 meters)." (CNN)

5. World population will be 7billion in what year?
(Isn't it already??) Some websites say October 2011

6. The first Nigeria female that won a gold medal in olympics?
Chioma Ajunwa

Other questions:

Area of an equilateral triangle if a side is 10cm?

The other city that was destroyed by the Japan atomic bomb?

Which Nigerian federal university was not founded in 1962?

The most populous muslim country?

The best male lawn tennis player?

How old is the King James Version of the Bible?

How many people were rescued in the chile mine

Where was oil first discovered in Ghana?

The most populated city?


Choose the correct option
1. A steel tank having a capacity of 25 m3 is used to hold carbon dioxide at 30źC and 1.6 atm to prevent its escape into the atmosphere. What is the weight in grams, of the carbon dioxide?
A. 7.07 x 103 g CO2
B. 70.7 x 103 g CO2
C. 1.61 x 103 g CO2
D. 16.1 x 103 g CO2
E. 36.5 x 103 g CO2

Choose the correct option
2. A recent survey of wastewater compositions in some production facilities in the oil and gas sector of the Niger Delta confirms the presence of amino-benzoic acid. Since the design of a central treatment plant for the area requires the determination of nitrogen level in the waste water, what will be the percent by mass of nitrogen in the wastewater if it is found to contain 0.013% by mass of amino-benzoic acid?
A. 0.010200%
B. 0.001400%
C. 0.001326%
D. 0.001020%
E. 0.014000%

Choose the correct option
3. Common practices that should be followed in material handling when dealing with an oil spill include all of the following except
A. wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment when moving chemicals
B. using carrying aids such as trays, carts, and hand trucks
C. transporting the smallest quantity of the material necessary for use
D. carrying acid bottles and flammable liquids in glass sleeves
E. utilizing shatter proof plastic coated bottles whenever possible

Choose the correct option
4. The International Organization for Standards (ISO) has a series of international, voluntary environmental management standards developed under ISO Technical Committee 207 and reported in the 14000 series of standards to address several aspects of environmental management. Which of the following is not addressed by these guidelines on environmental management systems (EMS)
A. Guidelines for environmental auditing
B. Environmental labels and declarations
C. Evaluating environmental performance
D. Life-cycle analysis
E. None of the above

Choose the correct option
5. A&A Oil Services company Okrika, Rivers State installed a hazardous waste treatment plant with a waste flow rate of 100 kg/hr into the plant, calculate the waste rate that will make the plant achieve a collection efficiency of 99.9%
A. 0.0001 kg/hr
B. 0.001 kg/hr
C. 0.01 kg/hr
D. 0.1 kg/hr
E. 1 kg/hr

6. Before handling or transporting hazardous chemicals, it is important to be aware of the identity of the material and its hazardous characteristics. From which of the following is this information available
A. material safety data sheet for the product
B. ancillary information sources
C. the product label
D. all of the above
E. none of the above

7. In efficiency control devices like baghouses, venturi scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitators, identify which of the following statements is false
A. the collection efficiency for particulate control increases with increasing particle size over nearly the entire particle size range
B. the collection efficiency for particulate control increases with decreasing size for particles less than approximately 1.0m
C. the collection efficiency for particulate control decreases with increasing particle size over nearly the entire particle size range
D. as the particle size decreases and approaches the molecular diameter of gases, the random, chaotic motion of submicron particles, similar to that predicted by the kinetic theory of gases, becomes more pronounced
E. for particles larger than 1.0 ?m, molecular diffusion effect becomes dominant

Choose the correct option
8. Messrs AA construction firm plans to install two gas flares side by side in a Gas Plant? if the sound pressure level of Flare A is 98 dB(A) and the sound pressure level of Flare B is also 98 dB(A). What is the anticipated combined noise of the two flares in the Plant
A. 98 dB(A)
B. 196 dB(A)
C. 101 dB(A)
D. 100 dB(A)
E. 106 dB(A)

Choose the correct option
9. The dynamic seal for a control valve suddenly starts leaking toluene-2,4-diisocynate (TDI) vapor at a rate of 40 cm3/h into a 12ft x 12ft x 8ft high room thus creating hazardous situation. However, the air in the room is uniformly mixed by a ceiling fan and the background TDI vapor concentration is 1.0 ppb. If air temperature and pressure are 77źF and 1 atm, respectively in the room, calculate in parts per million (ppm) the concentration of leaking TDI vapor giving that its vapor pressure is 35 mm Hg at 25źC
A. 4.61 x 104 ppm*
B. 1.84 x 106 ppm
C. 2.17 x 107 ppm
D. 7.96 x 107 ppm
E. 8.69 x 108 ppm

Choose the correct option
10 What will be the hydrogen ion concentration of an aqueous solution of pH10
A. 10-4 g. ion/L
B. 10-10 g. ion/L
C. 104 g. ion/L
D. 1010 g. ion/L
E. 107 g. ion/L
11 Waste materials that consist of unstable isotopes and that over time, decay to a more stable form (or element) emitting potentially harmful energy in the process are best described as
A. Solid wastes
B. Liquid wastes
C. Radioactive wastes
D. Gaseous wastes
E. Mixed wastes

Choose the correct option
12 A storage tank 15.0 m high contains liquid styrene (specific gravity 0.909), Determine the gauge pressure when the tank is full of liquid hexane
A. 969 kPa
B. 147 kPa
C. 14.7 kPa
D. 96.9 kPa
E. 96.9 Pa

Choose the correct option?
13 Application of risk assessments to large groups of individuals requires certain assumptions about an average persons attributes. The average or standard values used for body weight, daily drinking water intake and amount of air breathed per day are
A. average body weight: 70 kg for an adult and 35 kg for a child; daily drinking water intake: 4 liters for an adult and 2 liter for a child; and the average amount of air breathed per day is 20 m3 for an adult and 10 m3 for a child
B. average body weight: 65 kg for an adult and 10 kg for a child; daily drinking water intake: 2 liters for an adult and 1 liter for a child; and the average amount of air breathed per day is 40 m3 for an adult and 20 m3 for a child
C. average body weight: 60 kg for an adult and 5 kg for a child; daily drinking water intake: 3 liters for an adult and 1.5 liter for a child; and the average amount of air breathed per day is 30 m3 for an adult and 10 m3 for a child
D. average body weight: 70 kg for an adult and 10 kg for a child; daily drinking water intake: 2 liters for an adult and 1 liter for a child; and the average amount of air breathed per day is 20 m3 for an adult and 10 m3 for a child
E. average body weight: 65 kg for an adult and 10 kg for a child; daily drinking water intake is: 4 liters for an adult and 0.5 liter for a child; and the average amount of air breathed per day is 10 m3 for an adult and 5 m3 for a child

Choose the correct option
15. Which of the following is the most appropriate method for the management of associated gas during petroleum production
A. destruction in gas flares
B. utilization around production facilities
C. release into the atmosphere
D. collection for storage
E. utilization outside production facilities

Choose the correct option
16 Composting is an important solid waste management method. What do you understand by this method
A. It is the controlled biological decomposition of inorganic solid waste under aerobic (in the presence of oxygen) conditions
B. It is the controlled biological decomposition of organic solid waste under anaerobic (in the absence of oxygen) conditions.
C. It is the controlled biological decomposition of organic solid waste under aerobic (in the presence of oxygen) conditions
D. It is the controlled biological decomposition of inorganic solid waste under anaerobic (in the absence of oxygen) conditions.
E. It is the controlled biological decomposition of both organic and inorganic solid waste under anaerobic (in the absence of oxygen) conditions

18. The total amount of each component of a mixture of dissolved and particulate organic and inorganic materials and infectious disease causing bacteria accumulated in wastewater is referred to as the
A. total dissolved solid
B. concentration
C. mass loading
D.suspended solid
E. turbidity

19. Of the following information concerning an accident which results in injury, which one is the most valuable to use in taking preventive measures
A. time of the accident
B. cause of the accident
C. medical cost
D. nature of the injury
E. location of the accident

20. A rotary kiln incinerator is operating with an average energy release rate (HRR) of 28,000 Btu/(h " ft3) of furnace volume. During operation, 4500 lb/h of a solid waste from an oil drilling campaign site with approximate heating value of 8000 Btu/lb is to be combusted. Assume the L/D ratio of the rotary kiln to be 3.5, calculate the heat released by the waste
A. 2.24 x 108 Btu/h
B. 3.60 x 107 Btu/h
C. 1.26 x 108 Btu/h
D. 3.60 x 106 Btu/h
E. 2.24 x 107 Btu/h

*104 represents 10 to the power of 4, etcetera.

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