
Showing posts from March, 2010

"What I Wish PTDF Asked Me..."

As in, I so read off-point! But God dey sha. I'll post the questions the PTDF asked in their first internet-based MSc Overseas Scholarship exam on March 20, but probably not tonight... soon and very soon sha. Watch this space. UPDATED The questions were in two parts, as opposed to the previous 3 sections- General Knowledge, Discipline-based Essay to test your English and Discipline-Based questions proper. This time it was General Knowledge and Discipline-Based objectives; 50 questions in 30 mins, and 35 questions in about 90 minutes respectively. General Knowledge Questions: (Answers mine, so feel free to verify. I have also written the questions in my own words, no vex). 1. Who invented Facebook? Just kidding. 1. How many legs does a butterfly have?(And I am not kidding now. Mumu question, esp. as I couldnt answer it-- the fear of NEGATIVE MARKING is the beginning of obj wisdom). 2. The Mediterranean sea is part of which sea? Atlantic, Pacific, Indian... My Ans: Atlantic 3. What d...